Personality and individuality is the password to success in this field as in all others where creative ability, taste, and artistic judgement are involved. Editors and art directors tend to catalog artists, utilizing their talents in specialized fields. As a result, individuality is a valuable asset in this profession.

Sketch Number 2

In the double spread shown here, the Art Director of "Man's Illustrated," Bernard Gordon, was particularly anxious to get a hunter's duck-blind effect, with the handsome GI hidden behind the foliage, native girls for decoys, and Japanese soldiers on the losing end.

Sketches Number 1 and Number 2 were my first attempt along this line.


Sketch Number 3

Sketch Number 3 did not point up the situation sufficiently, so we finally settled on Sketch Number 4. This arrangement made the GI the dominant factor and clarified the idea.

Sketch Number 4 - The final sketch that was accepted to be finished