Early Works


Elks ............Elks Journal Monthly

Hooey ........Hooey

HwTo ..........How To Build 20 Boats

JmJms .......Jim Jam Jems

LitDgt .........Literary Digest

MchPk ........Mechanical Package

ModMx .......Modern Mechani(x)cs

SmkHs .......Smokehouse Monthly

SptAfd ........Sports Afield

Tchno .........Technocrats

WhzBng .....Capt. Billy's Whiz Bang


Pulp Magazines


AceHiW......Ace High Western

AceSpt .......Ace Sports Monthly

ActS ...........Action Stories

Adv ............Adventure

AdvNvl .......Adventure Novels

AdvYrn ......Adventure Yarns

AllAmr .......All American Football

AllBsk .......All Basketball Stories

AllDet.........All Detective

AllNvl ........All Novels

AllSD .........All Story Detective

AllW ...........All Western

AmzAdv .....Amazing Adventures

AmzS .........Amazing Stories

AmSkyDv ..American Sky Devils

AMFnt .......A.Merritt's Fantasy

AngD .........Angel Detective

BstSpt .......Best Sports

BstW .........Best Western

BstWN .......Best Western Novels

BgSpt ........Big Sports Magazine

BlkBkD ......Black Book Detective

BlkMsk ......Black Mask

CptHaz ......Captain Hazzard

ChmpS ......Champion Sports

Clues .........Clues

CmpD .........Complete Detective

CmpS .........Complete Sports

CmpWBk ...Complete Western Book

CrkD ..........Crack Detective

CrmBst ......Crime Busters

CmCsBk ....Crime Case Book

CrmD .........Crime Detective

DetBk ........Detective Book

DSS ...........Detective Short Stories

DetS ..........Detective Story

DTales ......Detective Tales

DimeD .......Dime Detective

DimeW ......Dime Western

DynAdv .....Dynamic Adventures

Eerie ..........Eerie Stories/Mysteries

FamD .........Famous Detective

FFMys .......Famous Fantastic Mysteries

Fanta .........Fantastic Novels

FstAcD ......Fast Action Detective

FBIDS ........FBI Detective Stories

FftDS .........15 - Detective Stories

FftMyS ......15 - Mystery Stories

FftSD .........15 - Story Detective

FftWT ........15 - Western Tales

FghtS .........Fight Stories

FvNvls .......Five Novels Monthly

FvWNvl ......Five Western Novels

FtbllAct ......Football Action

HdqDet ......Headquarters Detective

JnglS .........Jungle Stories

LariatS .......Lariat Story

Lbrty ..........Liberty

LnWlfD .......Lone Wolf Detective

LvRom .......Love Romances

MvlSS ........Marvel Science Stories

MvlT ...........Marvel Tales

MskRdr ......Masked Rider

MxBrnd ......Max Brand's Magazine

MysAdv ......Mystery Adventure

Myst ............Mystery Magazine

MysTls ........Mystery Tales

NewD...........New Detective

NwMAdv .....New Mystery Adventure

NewSpt .......New Sports

NewW .........New Western

NWR ...........North-West Romances

Pecos .........Pecos Kid

PlantS ........Planet Stories

PopW .........Popular Western

PsnLf .........Prison Life

PsnS ..........Prison Stories

PbEnmy .....Public Enemy

RnchR ........Ranchland Romances

RlMys .........Real Mystery

RealW .........Real Western

RlWRom .....Real Western Romance

RomRng .....Romantic Range

ScyD ..........Saucy Detective

ScyMT ........Saucy Movie Tales

ScyRom .....Saucy Romantic Adventures

ScyRD ........Saucy Romantic Detective

ScyS ...........Saucy Stories

SctAgtX ......Secret Agent X

SmshD ........Smashing Detective

SpcyMys .....Spicy Mystery

SptActs .......Sports Action

SptNvl .........Sports Novels

SptSS ..........Sports Short Stories

StarW ..........Star Western

SuprD ..........Super Detective

SupScS .......Super Science Stories

SrFrD ...........Sure Fire Detective

SrFrW ..........Sure Fire Western

TenAA .........Ten Action Adventures

TenDA .........Ten Detective Aces

TenSN .........10 Short Novels

TenSD .........10-Story Detective

TenSW ........10-Story Western

ThrWN ........Three Western Novels

ThrllD ..........Thrilling Detective

ThrllW .........Thrilling Western

TwlAdv ........12 Adventure Stories

TwlSpA .......12 Sports Aces

TwoGn ........Two-Gun Western

VarDet .........Variety Detective

VarNvl .........Variety Novels

VarS ............Variety Story

WarN ...........War Novels

Wars ...........War Stories

WAces ........Western Aces

WAct ...........Western Action

WNSS .........Western Novel & Short Stories

WRom .........Western Romances

WSS ............Western Short Stories

WS ...............Western Story

WTrls ...........Western Trails

WWW ...........Wild West Weekly

Wings ..........Wings


Paperback Books


AceD ...........Ace Double

BalBk ..........Ballantine Books

Bntm ...........Bantam Books

BstD ............Best Detective

CrmBk ........Crime Case Book (digest)

CrmJst ........Crime and Justice (digest)

DbAcD ........Double-Action Detective (digest)

EglBks ........Eagle Books

HndiBk ........Handi Books

Harlqn .........Harlequin Books

Harpr ...........Harper & Brothers

Killrs ...........Killers Mystery Story (digest)

LionB ..........Lion Books

Menace .......Menace (digest)

MysTrvl ......Mysterious Traveler

PcktD ..........Pocket Detective

PopLb .........Popular Library

PwdVW .......Powder Valley Western

Phtm ...........Phantom Books

RCLib .........Reader's Choice Library

StJhn ..........St.John's Publishing


Men's Magazines


BluBk ..........Blue Book

Argsy ..........Argosy

Climx ..........Climax

Cmbt ...........Combat

MnsBk ........Man's Book

MnCnqt ......Man's Conquest

MnsLf .........Man's Life

MnsS ..........Man's Story

MnTdy ........Men Today

MnsIll .........Men's Illustrated

NwMn .........New Man

RlCmbt .......Real Combat Stories

Saga ...........SAGA Magazine

See .............SEE Magazine

True.............True Magazine

TrAdv ..........True Adventure

WrldMn .......World of Men


Comic Books

AmzAdv ........Amazing Adventures

AtmSpy .........Atomic Spy Cases

BlBoyd ..........Bill Boyd Comics

BbSwft ..........Bob Swift, Boy Sportsman

BsblThl .........Baseball Thrills

CndLv ...........Cinderella Love

CI ..................Classics Illustrated

ClkDgr ..........Cloak & Dagger

CrmCln .........Crime Clinic

ElyQn ............Ellery Queen Comics

ExpJoe ..........Explorer Joe

FlyBy .............Fly Boy

FtblThl ...........Football Thrills

GIJoe ............G. I. Joe Comics

Hop ...............Hopalong Cassidy

InvBy ............Invisible Boy

KdCwby ........Kid Cowboy

LiAlFBI .........Little Al of the F. B. I.

LiAlSS ..........Little Al of the Secret Service

ModLv ..........Modern Love Comics

RoMarr .........Romantic Marriage

SkyPlt ..........Sky Pilot

SpcBst .........Space Busters

SpcPat .........Space Patrol

SpdSmth ......Speed Smith

SSAnWld ......Strange Stories From Another World

ToMx .............Tom Mix

UnkWld .........Unknown World

WHero ...........Western Hero (Real)

WldBoy .........Wild Boy

WldoFr ..........Worlds of Fear


Topps Bubblegum Trading Cards


AdFlds.............Ad Foldees

BtmnB .............Batman (Black Bat Series)

BtmnBl ............Batman (Blue Bat Series)

BtmnR .............Batman (Red Bat Series)

Batt ..................BATTLE!

CvlWr ..............Civil War News Bulletins

FlgAllN ............Flags of All Nations

FlgMgs ............Flag Midgies

FlgStk ..............Flag Stickers

FrnkStk ............Frankenstein Stickers

FrnkVal ............Frankenstein Valentines

Hppy ................Hippie Alphabet

MkYrOw ...........Make Your Own Name

MrsAtx .............Mars Attacks!

MnsCrs ............Monster Cars

MnsGrt ............Monster Greeting Cards

MnsVal ............Monster Valentines

NutIns ..............Nutty Initials

Ugly .................Ugly Stickers

WkyLbl ............Wacky Can Labels

WkyPx .............Wacky Packages